Call or Send a Support Email to Your Legislators

12/30/24 Update: Health Rights MA is working on bills for the 2025-26 session and will update this page again when the updated bill information is available. 
2023- 2024 We are excited to share the news that two excellent health freedom bills were recently filed and assigned to a committee. Now we need YOUR help to get these bills passed!
Over the next several weeks and months, we will be asking you to take a number of actions to support these bills. We will do our best to give you the tools you will need to be effective. Some actions will take less than 1 minute and others will take a little more time—but what we need is large numbers of people to follow through. All the work we’ve done so far to legally protect health freedom will go nowhere unless the people of Massachusetts step up in large numbers and put the pressure on their legislators to support these bills. You can reach out to them more than once about the same issue or bill, especially if you are not getting a satisfactory response. 
TAKE ACTION TODAY! Call or email YOUR state representative and senator to urge him/her to CO-SPONSOR these two health freedom bills. 
Calling is best. Ask to speak to the head of constituent services. If you leave a message, ask them to call you back. Tell them you are concerned about government mandates related to Covid that infringe on your right to make healthcare decisions for you and your family, including whether or not to get a vaccine. Tell them that every person has a fundamental right to bodily autonomy and that you want them to DO SOMETHING to stop the government overreach and discrimination against people based on their health choices. Personal stories make an impact: If you have a story about vaccine injury or loss, it is very important that your legislators hear from you directly. If you were coerced and lost your job, career, or access to education, it is very important that your legislators hear from you directly.
Emailing is effective too. Email your concerns to your rep and senator, and ask them to follow up. It is best to draft your own message, but here is a basic script you can use if needed. 
Dear Rep or Senator XYZ,
My name is….I am a……I live in …..Share your story if you have one….
The ability to make decisions for one’s own health and healing is a fundamental human right. As a Massachusetts citizen, I am extremely concerned about government overreach into the health and wellness decisions of myself and my family. There is no one-size-fits-all medicine that is effective for everyone in our state.
History has shown time and time again that medical treatments once thought to be effective can turn out to be harmful, and that science and medicine can be corrupted due to financial conflicts of interest. Please support legislation that will protect the people of Massachusetts from unwanted medical treatments and procedures, collection of specimens, and sharing of personal data and medical information. 
Your Name
Your Address
Your Phone Number
IMPORTANT NOTE – WHETHER CALLING OR EMAILING: If you are willing – Ask to set up an in-person meeting – offer a few days and times that are good for you. Reach out to if you would like support with your meeting. And please consider signing up to be a Constituent Liaison for Health Rights MA; go to:]I look forward to hearing back from you at your soonest convenience.
If you don’t hear back within a few days, follow up. Call or email again and put “2nd Request” in the subject line. Follow up with a “3rd request” if necessary. 
Please follow up with Health Rights MA by emailing and let us know if you received a response or were able to get a meeting. Someone from our team will be happy to attend with you.
Thank you for your help with this important legislative initiative!
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