This petition is for Massachusetts residents only and can only be signed once.
Current Petition Count: 11007
SECTION 1. Chapter 111 of the General Laws, as so appearing, is hereby amended by inserting the following new section:-
“Section 183A. (a) No person shall be compelled by law to acquiesce to medical treatments or procedures, collection of specimens, or sharing of personal data or medical information. A person’s fundamental rights to privacy, travel, and speech afforded under the United States Constitution shall not be infringed upon to impede the making of decisions for themselves or for their dependents, including, but not limited to, health and medical care, including complementary and alternative healthcare services, education, employment, travel, and lifestyle preferences.
(b) No employer shall terminate the employment of an employee solely on the basis of the employee’s choice to engage or not engage with medical treatment. An employee who is wrongfully terminated on these grounds may bring action for (i) an injunction against any further violation; (ii) appropriate affirmative relief, including, but not limited to, admission or reinstatement of employment with back pay plus 10 percent interest; and (iii) any other relief necessary to ensure compliance with this Act. Unless otherwise prescribed, any person or official who willfully violates a provision of this chapter is guilty of a violation of Title 42 USC 1983, and may be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.”