Help Send 2 Health Freedom Lobbyists to Beacon Hill

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The time has come for us to take decisive action to secure our health freedom rights. We need dedicated health freedom lobbyists at Beacon Hill every day, championing our cause and ensuring our voices are heard. Our children and the future of our state depend on it.

If we had consistent and persistent advocates meeting with and educating legislators and their staff, we could build strong relationships and address these issues much earlier. This would enable us to identify and stop detrimental bills swiftly while promoting beneficial legislation that supports health freedom in Massachusetts.

Rather than relying on lobbyists who may prioritize their paycheck over our cause or who are reluctant to address this issue, we need individuals from within our movement who are passionate about health freedom. These individuals should be present on Beacon Hill several days a week, advocating for our rights.

The good news is we have two dedicated individuals, Candice Edwards and Julie Booras, with a proven track record and relationships, ready and willing to register as lobbyists and fight for our health freedom rights. However, we need steady funding to make this possible, and we need it urgently.

Chiropractors have a rich history of supporting medical freedom, and now we ask all Massachusetts chiropractors to contribute to this effort by donating as much as possible on a monthly basis. We also urge you to share this message widely within your network.

If every practitioner in Massachusetts who cares about health freedom contributes, we could have multiple health freedom lobbyists on Beacon Hill. Our total goal to start is $10,000 per month, to be split between two organizations—$5,000 each. If each chiropractor donates the equivalent of one adjustment per month, to each organization, we can reach this goal swiftly.

This means just 100 practitioners donating $100 each monthly – $50 to each organization – can make a significant impact. Please donate monthly and generously to both organizations to send two health freedom lobbyists to Beacon Hill.  (Any amount or one-time donations are of course appreciated too!)  Our children are counting on us! 

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