While we did not have the manpower to create a proper voter guide to include all the candidates running for state office this November, we did reach out to several candidates and some reached out to us. Below are the candidates that sent their Health Rights Candidate Legislative surveys back and got an A rating. 

In addition, we have a list of incumbent lawmakers that have a proven track record of supporting health freedom.

This is not an exhaustive list. If you do not see your candidate please reach out to them directly! Some of them have shared their thoughts on health freedom on recent episodes of Health Freedom Radio.

Candidates who have filled out a Health Rights MA candidate survey in support of health rights:

Candidates for State Senate:

Dashe Videira State Senate Norfolk, Worcester, and Middlesex District *Listen
Karla Miller 1st Middlesex
Nicholas Pirro Worcester and Middlesex District

Candidates for State Representative: 

Lynne Archambault State Rep 1st Middlesex* Listen
Justin Thurber 5th Bristol District *Listen
John Gaskey State Rep 2nd Plymouth
Eric Meschino State Rep 12th Plymouth
Virginia Gardner State Rep. 13th Middlesex District 
George Ferdinand State Rep 19th Middlesex District (I) 
Paul Sarnowski State Rep 19th Middlesex District (R) 
(note that the above 2 candidates are both in the same district)

We highly recommend you reach out to these candidates directly and ask them where they stand on health freedom and parental rights. 

Incumbent Lawmakers: These lawmakers have supported health rights while in office, and someone running against them. It is so important that these lawmakers keep their seats! 

Peter Durant State Senate Worcester Hampshire *Listen
Marcus Vaughn State Rep 9th Norfolk
Marc Lombardo State Rep 22nd Middlesex
Ryan Fattman State Senate Worcester and Hampden District
Steven Xiarhos State rep 5th Barnstable District

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