Health Rights MA CARD PACK


Get a 4×6 plastic envelope to keep handy in your bag or car. We’ll include an assortment of our latest cards each with a different purpose!
  1.  If you meet someone who might to want to join or learn more about protecting health freedom in  Massachusetts give them a JOIN HEALTH RIGHTS CARD
  2. If you meet a practitioner who supports health freedom or someone looking for a practitioner who supports health freedom give them a PRACTITIONERS 4 HEALTH FREEDOM CARD
  3. If you meet someone who has a COVID19 Vaccine Injury, Loss or Coercion Story give them a SHARE YOUR STORY CARD
  4. If you meet someone who wants to learn more about the dangers of the COVID-19 shot give them a WATCH THE REPLAY CARD to see a highly credentialed panel of physicians and experts with NO links to government agencies or pharmaceutical companies as they review the current data and share their real-world experience.
  5. If you meet a new mom or mom-to-be (or anyone) questioning vaccines and looking for more information give them a VACCINE INFO CARD


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