
MA Medical Freedom Senate Bill has been assigned to committee

UPDATE!!! The Massachusetts Medical Freedom Senate is moving!!!! The bill has been assigned to the Joint Committee on the Judiciary and is now numbered S.1122 https://malegislature.gov/Bills/192/S1122 We urgently need to secure meetings with every member of the judiciary committee. If your legislator is a member of the judiciary committee please reach out to them and set

MA Medical Freedom Senate Bill has been assigned to committee Read More »

We urgently need your help!

We urgently need your help! Calling is best, emailing is great too. Please do as many of the 5 ACTIONS ITEMS as you can. Senator Patrick O’Connor filed the bill for us in the Senate but has not yet marked himself as Sponsor. Please call his office, no matter what district you are in, and

We urgently need your help! Read More »

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